Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Economy In Our Lives

The economy plays an extremely important role in our lives. It is revolved around consumerism; what we purchase, and how we save is the role humans obtain in the economy. Humans have become very dependent on materialistic items, therefore making consuming a very common part of one's lifestyle. If one does not consume they are considered to be out of the norm that society has created for us. When I think of economy I think of consuming, and when consuming comes to mind I blame media. Media is one of the main reasons why we consume. Advertisements, reality TV shows, TV shows, and movies are all susceptible in showing us products that we all would like to have. Now days people also buy what they can not afford due to media, this results in debt. American consumers today are in an average of $11.36 trillion in debt. Money and wealth are greatly desired by all Americans because the luxurious lifestyle of a celebrity is very appealing and has become a growing trend among us. Modesty in all humans has started to come tumbling down because of how possessive we have become. Consuming has also become therapeutic; for example, when one is upset or has gone through a tremendous heart break (this is typically among women), they go shopping. By consuming in items that they want, they make themselves feel better, however this does not take away the emotional pain an outside source has caused them. Because an item can cause no harm to us realistically, we are drawn to the idea of having more. This logic has never occurred to anyone because it has become so normal to us as if it is a part of our nature, and it is. However, we do not need to do so much of it because our wants have now overpowered our needs. Debt has also lost its alarming purpose because the drive and addiction consuming has created in our lives we have just stopped caring. Today we are generally described as lazy but actively consuming nation!

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