Sunday, March 30, 2014

Environmental News

"Environmentalists wary about harm to birds from Texas oil spill"
By: Michael Muskal
Source: Los Angeles Times

Recently the Houston Ship Channel experienced a massive oil spill. Environmentalists have informed people that there has been "limited damage" to birds nearby the oil spill. According to Richard Gibbons (conservation director of Houston), the oil spill was caused by a collision involving a fuel barge and a ship. More than two-hundred birds were contaminated with oil from the spill; these birds varied in species. Gibbons and Ileana Peña (his counterpart with Audubon Texas) have informed Los Angeles Times that they are "being very watchful," from Sundown Island in Matagorda Bay, where resonance is keeping the area clear of oil. They are keeping the birds in a oil contaminated-free zone. During the incident, the fuel barge collided with a vessel which lead to about 168,000 gallons of oil flowing into the waters of the Galveston Bay. The channel was instantly closed right after the incident but a few days later it was opened partially once again. It is now completely "operational." Some of this spill stretched into the Gulf of Mexico, but the environmentalists tried to move as quickly as possible to protect the areas where it is more sensitive. Gibbons reported that it has been difficult to determine the oiled birds since they are always traveling, but most of the birds that were hurt were definitely from the oil spill.


  1. How could 168,000 gallons of oil spill clear up in a few days? It is mind boggling that people are taking this matter lightly and are numb to the severity of the situation. As long as the oil travels to the Gulf of Mexico, then I suppose it is not our problem anymore, since the Houston Ship Channel has been cleared of the oil. Let the other people worry about this environmental disaster. Oops! Does the environment not belong to everyone?

  2. Aspiring to become a petroleum engineer myself, hearing news regarding oil spills is rather terrifying and worrying. As an individual who cares for the environment and living peacefully with our neighboring animals, however, I hope this situation clears up sooner rather than later to save the lies of these innocent animals.
