Sunday, March 30, 2014

Environmental News

"Environmentalists wary about harm to birds from Texas oil spill"
By: Michael Muskal
Source: Los Angeles Times

Recently the Houston Ship Channel experienced a massive oil spill. Environmentalists have informed people that there has been "limited damage" to birds nearby the oil spill. According to Richard Gibbons (conservation director of Houston), the oil spill was caused by a collision involving a fuel barge and a ship. More than two-hundred birds were contaminated with oil from the spill; these birds varied in species. Gibbons and Ileana Peña (his counterpart with Audubon Texas) have informed Los Angeles Times that they are "being very watchful," from Sundown Island in Matagorda Bay, where resonance is keeping the area clear of oil. They are keeping the birds in a oil contaminated-free zone. During the incident, the fuel barge collided with a vessel which lead to about 168,000 gallons of oil flowing into the waters of the Galveston Bay. The channel was instantly closed right after the incident but a few days later it was opened partially once again. It is now completely "operational." Some of this spill stretched into the Gulf of Mexico, but the environmentalists tried to move as quickly as possible to protect the areas where it is more sensitive. Gibbons reported that it has been difficult to determine the oiled birds since they are always traveling, but most of the birds that were hurt were definitely from the oil spill.

Unnecessary Items

Materialistic items are unnecessary to humans; thus it becoming appropriate to eliminate these items from our lives. Items that people want are entirely distinct from items that are needed. Wanted items are simply desired yet avoidable. There are many items that i can live without; starting with my closet. I own excess clothing that I can survive without, such as extra tops and jeans that do not fit me anymore. Also, my closet is mainly occupied with extra shoes and purses that i do not use. It is truly inspiring that Chris McCandless donates all of his money to charity. It should not be hard for us to do the same with the extra clothing we possess. Another avoidable item in my closet would be make-up, because it is not an item that is necessary to own in order to survive. Just as I own items that I can live without, there are those that I need in my life. My phone is extremely important, because it allows me to make long distance calls; therefore I can keep in touch with my family. My laptop is an important item to me as well, because it allows me to complete tasks, such as my homework, instantly and in an organized manner.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Daily Show

Jon Stewart, the host of The Daily Show has created a segment to talk about the difficulties, which people have been struggling with recently in Egypt. The Daily Show is based on satirical news made in a humorous way. In this segment, Jon Stewart begins talking about Spring. He mentions the easter bunny as an "unholy tinted span of a chicken and a chocolate lover." Afterwards he changes the subject to Egypt's economy. The news reported states that Egypt is not doing so well, "unemployment at thirteen percent, inflation has almost doubled sine November… Tourism has dropped almost four billion dollars…;" Jon Stewart makes a sarcastic comment saying that Egypt is, "a work in progress." Stewart begins to get excited when he hears there has been an arrest of a man in Egypt, as he makes assumptions whether the criminal is a terrorist, or sabotaging Egypt's infrastructure, and so on. Instead Stewart discovers that the man who was arrested is Bassem Yousseff, the host of a satirical comedy show. He becomes shocked and frightened of the thought that he has been speaking to a criminal. Bassem Yousseff was charged for insulting both the President and Islam. Stewart is annoying, because Yousseff's actions are not illegal; in fact he mentions if it were illegal Fox News would be closed by now. Bassem Youseff's show mocked President Morsi when he was awarded an honorary degree in Pakistan and his "less than fluent English." Later, he begins to show clips of himself mocking President Obama and President Bush.
Jon Stewart mocks the President of Egypt in this segment. He does not understand why President Morsi would arrest an innocent comedian who mocked his hat, while Stewart on the other hand has been doing the exact same for years. This was an incredibly enjoyable and ridiculous segment.

Satirical News

"Portion of Finite Life Spent In Mock Fantasy Baseball Draft"
Source: The Onion

Technology has become extremely important in our everyday lives. People do not take any time during the day to go outside and try something new. It is unusual nowadays, to see children in a playground or at the park; instead it is normal to find them on an iPad or playing video games in the house. On March 13, 2014 local web designer, Spencer Krone, devoted his life to his new Fantasy Baseball League on Yahoo! Without even noticing, Krone spent his entire Thursday evening creating his team for the Fantasy Baseball Draft. He believed that Mike Trout was an amazing player, but was crashed when he noticed someone else had already drafted him; just as he reported, "Dammit, somebody already got Mike Trout." He was also hoping to have McCutchen and Goldschmidt. Spencer Krone had reported saying, "his every breathe brought him closer to the inevitable end of his time on earth." Krone is only twenty-six years old and he had chosen to spent over two hours playing a full twenty-three round run for the fantasy draft.
Wasting time playing with technology will keep an individual away from exploring the world. One cannot spend every day locked up in his/her room playing video games; instead one should become more productive and step outside.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Economy In Our Lives

The economy plays an extremely important role in our lives. It is revolved around consumerism; what we purchase, and how we save is the role humans obtain in the economy. Humans have become very dependent on materialistic items, therefore making consuming a very common part of one's lifestyle. If one does not consume they are considered to be out of the norm that society has created for us. When I think of economy I think of consuming, and when consuming comes to mind I blame media. Media is one of the main reasons why we consume. Advertisements, reality TV shows, TV shows, and movies are all susceptible in showing us products that we all would like to have. Now days people also buy what they can not afford due to media, this results in debt. American consumers today are in an average of $11.36 trillion in debt. Money and wealth are greatly desired by all Americans because the luxurious lifestyle of a celebrity is very appealing and has become a growing trend among us. Modesty in all humans has started to come tumbling down because of how possessive we have become. Consuming has also become therapeutic; for example, when one is upset or has gone through a tremendous heart break (this is typically among women), they go shopping. By consuming in items that they want, they make themselves feel better, however this does not take away the emotional pain an outside source has caused them. Because an item can cause no harm to us realistically, we are drawn to the idea of having more. This logic has never occurred to anyone because it has become so normal to us as if it is a part of our nature, and it is. However, we do not need to do so much of it because our wants have now overpowered our needs. Debt has also lost its alarming purpose because the drive and addiction consuming has created in our lives we have just stopped caring. Today we are generally described as lazy but actively consuming nation!

Business and the Economy

"The President's New Mission: Teach the Children (About Money)"
By: Dan Kadlec
Source: Time

On March 7, 2014 Dan Kadlac informed everyone about Obama's decision of teaching young americans about money and finance. His decision is based on the idea of having a brighter future for the children. President Obama's Advisory Council on Financial Capability for Young Americans (PACFCYA) meet for business on Monday, March 10, 2014. It will be the very first time they meet to discuss a matter that can change the forthcoming. The PACFCYA has promised, "to set a smart new course for financial education in the United States." Since 2008, when President George W. Bush first established the PACFCYA, American presidents have been "on the financial education bandwagon." President Bush had a vision of an ownership society, which he stated, ""We want people to own assets. We want people to be able to manage their assets." He had hopes that one day a population that was intelligent with managing their money would reduce the odds of a repeat finical crisis. President Obama decided to change the word "Literacy" to "Capability" in the PACFCYA; this made it clear on the new approach Obama was taking. It has been said that, "teaching kids about money has always been part of the council's mission." It is going to be a long process to solve the financial ignorance, but it is going to start with the youths (starting with the students in first grade).