Sunday, November 17, 2013

Puritan Religion


During the 1600s, Puritans left England for free religious practices. Religion was an important part in every Puritan child and adult's life. They had excessively harsh and ordinary rules in which all must follow. Puritans were very ordinary and traditional people. They believed that God had chosen them for a special purpose. God was their one and only leader. All must follow him, and if not they had many harsh punishments for those who sinned. Puritanism was a religious movement for improvement, which happened due to the Church of England. Puritans were very strict when it came to the subject of religion. They were willing to punish anyone if their rules were not followed. Every Puritan did not have a say when they were expected to attend meetings on the Sabbath. They prepared for the Sabbath the night before their meeting. It was considered their sanctuary, because they had specific rules that were to be done on it. Discipline was conducted towards all Puritans; one form of discipline was the obligation to read the Bible everyday. They had specific seating in the church; men and women sat on separate sides, and boys sat away from their mothers. The slaves and servants entered the church but sat away from everyone near the exit door. They were rigid during church hours. The minister would start the service with a prayer and proceeded with an emotional sermon.    


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