Jon Stewart, the host of The Daily Show has created a segment to talk about the difficulties, which people have been struggling with recently in Egypt. The Daily Show is based on satirical news made in a humorous way. In this segment, Jon Stewart begins talking about Spring. He mentions the easter bunny as an "unholy tinted span of a chicken and a chocolate lover." Afterwards he changes the subject to Egypt's economy. The news reported states that Egypt is not doing so well, "unemployment at thirteen percent, inflation has almost doubled sine November… Tourism has dropped almost four billion dollars…;" Jon Stewart makes a sarcastic comment saying that Egypt is, "a work in progress." Stewart begins to get excited when he hears there has been an arrest of a man in Egypt, as he makes assumptions whether the criminal is a terrorist, or sabotaging Egypt's infrastructure, and so on. Instead Stewart discovers that the man who was arrested is Bassem Yousseff, the host of a satirical comedy show. He becomes shocked and frightened of the thought that he has been speaking to a criminal. Bassem Yousseff was charged for insulting both the President and Islam. Stewart is annoying, because Yousseff's actions are not illegal; in fact he mentions if it were illegal Fox News would be closed by now. Bassem Youseff's show mocked President Morsi when he was awarded an honorary degree in Pakistan and his "less than fluent English." Later, he begins to show clips of himself mocking President Obama and President Bush.
Jon Stewart mocks the President of Egypt in this segment. He does not understand why President Morsi would arrest an innocent comedian who mocked his hat, while Stewart on the other hand has been doing the exact same for years. This was an incredibly enjoyable and ridiculous segment.
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